Data Acquisition
GreenValley International's diversified set of HD mapping technologies are designed to acquire data in both indoor and outdoor environments.
SLAM algorithms allow GreenValley lnternational's HD mapping systems to function properly in GNSS-denied settings.
Data Fusion
Spatially overlapping images and point clouds can be merged or fused using GreenValley software solutions for creating colorized 3D data sets in HD.
Fusion of LiDAR collected from multiple data collection platforms (e.g., vehicle, backpack, and UAV) can create HD maps that provide maximum 3D spatial coverage.
Object Detection
GreenValley International develops powerful software tools that automate detection, classification, and extraction of crucial HD map objects and elements, offering an efficient way to process massive volumes of point cloud data.
Vectorization & Mapping
GreenValley International software solutions can easily vectorize, recognize, and edit HD map road elements extracted from 3D point cloud data and imagery.