
Point Cloud Processing Software for Power Line Inspection & Analysis

LiPowerline is a liDAR power application software developed by Green Valley International. It can process and analyze massive point cloud data, quickly and accurately extract hidden danger target information in power channels, and provide real-time working condition analysis, simulated working condition early warning analysis, and transmission line analysis. Functions such as completion acceptance and fine inspection line planning can output the result data required by power customers to ensure the safe operation of power lines.

TB-Level Point Cloud Processing

Deep Learning Point Cloud Classification

Individual Tree Segmentation

Pole and Tower Inventory Management

Power Corridor Risk Analysis

Simulated Operating Condition Warning Analysis

Power Transmission Line Completion Acceptance

Detailed Inspection Route Planning

Multiple Data Loading

LiPowerline supports loading LiData File(*.LiData), LAS cloud(*.las *.az), ASCll cloud(*.txt *.asc *.neu *.xyz *.pts *.csv), Image(*.tif *,jpg), Vector(*.shp), Model(*.LiModel *.LiTin), PLY cloud(*.ply), Table(*.csv), OSG data(*,osgb *,ive *.desc * .obj) more than a dozen commonly used data format files.

Various Display Modes

Elevation Display

Category Display

Category EDL Display

RGB Display

Individual Tree Segmentation Display

Handheld, Mobile and UAV 3D Mapping Systems

GVI aims to provide versatile LiDAR hardware systems to accurately map any 3D environment. Through the use of SLAM (simultaneous location and mapping), our Handheld and Mobile systems can rapidly scan both indoor and outdoor environments without the need for GPS. This ability allows foresters, archaeologists, civil engineers, surveyors, and more to build robust datasets without prep or complex post-processing software.

GreenValley International Inc (GVI), headquartered in Berkeley, California, is a leading innovator of 3D mapping technologies. GVI provides a wide range of advanced aerial, terrestrial, and mobile LiDAR survey and mapping hardware systems and cutting-edge software as well as turnkey solutions. Our portfolio includes airborne, handheld, mobile, and backpack laser scanning platforms, as well as point cloud processing software such as the LiDAR360 LiDAR data processing platform. GVI focuses on LiDAR and image fusion technology, specializing in LiDAR, UAV, SLAM, Photogrammetry, and other technologies to achieve an accurate digital representation of three-dimensional space. As we continue to expand our reach and technological capabilities, GVI remains committed to driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the LiDAR space.

+1(510) 729 Heinz Avenue, Suite 9, Berkeley, California 94710, USA Subscribe